Interview with automotive engineer and religious writer Tony Goutsios
Welcome Mr Goutsios we are very excited to have you today with us to discuss about your work.
First off, Who is Tony Goutsios and how did the passion for screenwriting start ?
I am a longtime engineer. I was inspired (I would like to think by the Holy Spirit) to write an epic Christian Screenplay. I spend many years researching and "writing" a detailed outline of the concept. I then hired a professional writer to put this into proper format.
Can you tell us about your previous work ?
As I said, I am an engineer in automotive safety. I still do this to this day including becoming a Legal Expert to make sure more lives are saved in the automotive industry. I have developed and have detailed knowledge of all things automotive safety including airbags, Advanced Driver assist technologies and autonomous vehicles.
CONVERSATION ABOUT: The Christians - Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile
Talk to us about your work ? How was it created ? Any inspirations ?
Basically the holy spirit put a vision inside me to focus on persecuted Christians throughout history. This was early in my life. I began to research Christianity via Apologetics throughout. I then began the process of researching persecuted Christians. I saw that if I linked these persecuted Christians to "today" I could have a unique Epic. Sort of like "Braveheart". Obviously Epics like Braveheart, The Passion and others inspired me as well as other movies like It's a Wonderful Life.
Are you self taught in screenwriting ?
As I pointed out, I hired a professional writer to create the correct format for my concept.
What is your connection to history and religion ?
There is a gigantic connection. I have taken persecuted Christian Lives from different places and times throughout history and used those with my own true story to integrate into a cohesive story. All of the persecuted lives were actual true historical events. The persecuted Christians in this movie all gave their lives for Christ!
What is the target audience of your project ?
Characters are portrayed beyond the United States border leading to an international audience, The movie was written for the "Great Commission", that is, trying to make disciples of all nations not simply "preaching to the choir" which most Christian movies do. Thereby reaching places Christian movies normally do not reach.
What is the message the audience should convey ?
Still another limitation in faith films is that things are never "messy". Everything seems so perfect. Well life has good and bad. In our film we have swearing, divorce, death, strippers!, etc. Real-life issues that breath. This movie is believable and hence faith and grace shine through....
How do you prepare for writing, any type of research ?
As I have stated, this is a one-off. It took over 7 years to put this story together and hire someone to make it into a script
Any future projects incoming ? Along with personal aspirations.
Nope, the Lord wants me to keep saving lives in automotive safety!
That was the interview with our beloved creator Tony Goutsios. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not schedule one for yourself to promote your work. To publish an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.