Interview with filmaker, soprano and enviromentalist Claire Stadtmueller

Welcome Mrs Stadtmueller, we are very excited to have you today and discuss about your work. So who is Claire Stadtmueller?

I am an opera singer and environmentalist. I only started making music videos when I lost access to singing on concert stages and at churches because of Covid mandates. I needed a way to express myself, especially considering there were more urgent  problems to express beyond ‘‘the usual human condition.’’  Loss of bodily sovereignty, media propaganda using fear to cause mass hypnosis, and in the case of Elegy, the destruction of Nature with microwave radiation (5G) and aerosol spraying/geoengineering. (A multitude of certifiable weather modification techniques have been going on since the 1950s, yet are commonly referred to as "chemtrails" to discredit those who are informed and thus object.)

During the time I couldn’t perform or teach, I co-founded 5G Free Rhode Island, with efforts to educate our elected officials and the community about the danger of "smart" digital utility meters and sWTFs--the 5G antennas on light and telephone poles.  I was also the chief citizen lobbyist for the Rhode Island Clean Atmosphere Act, which would protect us from the aerosol spraying of aluminum, sulfuric acid, etc.  The lab tests of my snow, and I live in a rural area, confirmed these pollutants. You see, when you take away from an opera singer an avenue for expressing her passion, she devotes her passion to helping humanity and nature overcome these dangerous threats to our very survival!

Can you tell us about your previous work?

The opera composer Gian Carlo Menotti provided me with two powerhouse opera arias that are even more relevant today than during the 1940s tyranny Menotti’s opera ‘‘The Consul’’ depicts.  I recorded the aria to this we’ve come, and created my first slideshow depicting the tyranny of our times--separation of families, lost access to livelihood,  economic freedom vanished unless submitting to an experimental injection. My first music video, on Elgar’s ‘‘In Haven’’ has a subtle message. The music is pleasant, without drama, but each of the three stanzas forebodes trouble. Ebben expresses banishment.  La Wally is banished from her home by her father. Our "home" is the concert hall, and many of us were banished because we would not submit to medical tyranny and the inaccurate narrative. The aria’s last line, ‘‘I will go far away, alone, among the golden clouds’’, is to me an expression of hope.


Is filmmaking and singing similar to you ? Talk to us about your artistic identity

Confession: I have not viewed nearly as many films as the average person! I know nothing about cameras, and despite my name meaning ‘‘light’’ I don’t know much about light from a camera’s perspective.  As an actor, I am keenly aware of how my face and body project ideas and feelings, yet I consider myself more of a sound person,  and suddenly with Elegy, I was making visual decisions.  The cameraman was only that--he shot the footage I asked him to, and under my guidance, he did the editing. I am aware that this is not a production, but I was more concerned about delivering a message. As a singer, I don’t make decisions about anything beyond my own sphere, while a filmmaker must consider the whole. The common thread between my being an opera singer and now, suddenly, a filmmaker is storytelling and evoking emotions. People go to the theater, or to the film, to feel. We performers and filmmakers catalyze that. We as modern people have become detached via the computerized world. Perhaps the mandate to close theaters was more about removing people from their source of feeling human, of experiencing emotions, and less about.

Talk to us about your film? How was it created and what inspired it?

I love Nature and Mother Earth.  I’ve been a vegetarian for 39 years, and have been carrying canvas shopping bags for decades.  My two acres are a ‘‘pollinators’’ paradise, as I don’t manicure the lawn. ‘‘Weeds” like goldenrod and dandelions feed the bees and feed me!   In my work to lobby the RI Clean Atmosphere Act and inform elected officials about the dangers of microwave radiation (5G, ‘‘smart’’ meters),  I’ve become painfully aware of the pollution threatening us and our flora and fauna. So, I sang my message! I learned that most people are unaware of this pollution, have not even LOOKED at the sky!, and think that Carbon is the Big Enemy.  We need to focus on the real threat, which is microwave radiation and the aerosol spraying of chemicals.

Is there any symbolism hidden in this abstract music video ?

Louis Gallet’s lyrics express the beautiful time of yesteryear when the sky was blue and the birds, songs were heard. Now, all is withered.  That devastation was due to a romantic loss, but I applied the text to the loss of our blue sky from aerosol spraying/geoengineering. The visual images alternate between the happy, colorful time, and the withered desolation of Nature’s death. I placed a clock, at 5 minutes before midnight, in the cemetery scene. I walked toward ‘‘the future’’ with 5 minutes before the clock strikes and all is lost.  And no, not because of carbon.

So Mrs Stadtmueller, How was the art style selected ?

Sadly, a white pine on my property was dying, and I’d lost an entire hive of bees inexplicably. Not surprisingly, young trees near the cell tower at my City Hall were obviously lacking their leaves, despite its being August. (It was 100 degrees that day while we were filming the black funeral scene.) A farmer who is aware of the poison in the sky, as her basil turns black after a rain, offered her sunflower field and flower display for us to use. She also provided testimony for the hearing on our Clean Atmosphere Act, about how the basil dies after being rained on with sulfuric acid rain. Nature provided everything we needed, both living and dying.  And conveniently, I had the grey dress with trees on it for years prior. I wore it for the CD cover of my CD Sweet Peace, a collection of international songs that celebrate peace or express the tragedy of war.


What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ?

We can, and must, insist that aerosol spraying/geoengineering/weather modification STOP. We must require of our elected officials that our internet comes via fiber, and not wireless. We must demand analog utility meters instead of digital “smart” meters which pulse microwave radiation into our homes 24/7/365. My purpose in creating Elegie was to raise  awareness and provide solutions!

What is the target audience of the project?

Well-intentioned environmentalists have bought the false narrative that solar panels and wind turbines are The Answer,   yet are unaware of the devastation caused by microwave radiation and aerosol spraying which is done to ‘‘block out the sun against climate change.’’ A child could ask ‘‘how will we have photosynthesis/food if the sun is dimmed. How will those solar panels work?’’ The average person mistakenly thinks that ‘‘5G brings faster downloads’’ and all is well.  Fiber to the premises is faster, not easily hacked, does not surveil, is reliable during a power outage, and requires TEN TIMES less energy than wireless.

Is there a project in the future? And personal wishes.

The next music video will utilize ‘‘Abscheulicher’’ from Beethoven’s ‘‘Fidelio’’ The faithful wife, lacking any help, dresses as a man to infiltrate the prison where her husband and others are political prisoners.  Now, in the 21st century, sex trafficked children are imprisoned, and those who toured their U.S. Capitol Building, invited in by guards, are imprisoned in solitary confinement.  The ‘‘dangerous insurrection’’ is another propagandized false narrative.  There is accurate information on all these topics, if a person looks beyond legacy media. My videos and slideshows are on youtube, and also on a new censorship-free platform,

That was the interview with our beloved creator Claire Stadtmueller. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not order one for yourself to promote your work. To order an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.


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