Interview with Peiju Huang about inner strength and creativity

Welcome Mrs Huang, we are very excited to have you today and discuss about your work. So who is Peiju Huang ?

Over 10 years of experience as a reporter, my duty is to inform the public about regional and international events. For me, helping people understand and come to terms with recent happenings is my daily routine. Also at the same time, my work is driven by learning, so my view of the world is more diversely. News happening anytime, everywhere, so it makes me realized that life has so much to teach. Telling the news stories should be based on factual evidence, but I know there's a voice in my mind saying "Something behind the scenes without boasting is also valuable ", louder and louder, and that's why I learning to be a filmmaker.

Can you tell us about your previous work?

All work is a process of learning. As a journalism student, I entered to a news division of Taiwan broadcast television network after completion in a related graduation field. But it’s not doing an internship in a media group; it’s more like a part time worker to helped reporters finish their news on time. After 6 months hard working, my supervisor asked me “Do you want to be a reporter?” and my life changes since that day. During my previous work, I have learned a lot of professional skills, too. Live report in storm, crime scene, air crash, earthquake and of course Covid-19 pandemic, I can always go to different places and experience various stories. For me, filmmaking is not just a new area or a work; it’s my life.

CONVERSATION ABOUT: The Will to Live - Yes, I was diagnosed with breast cancer

Talk to us about your documentary ? What inspired you ?

‘‘The Will to Live - Yes, I was diagnosed with breast cancer’’ is a story of a brave mother with breast cancer and it also the first film in Taiwan. My previous works as a reporter still as usual, but I had the feeling of being stuck in my life. I realized more and more that I lost my passions in my current life and I was so confused about what my values are and why they were not present in my work. When I meet her at a crossroads in my life, she taught me not to struggle in my past or who I have been. Make a conscious decision about who I am now and who I want to become. “Do what you want you really want to do, visualize yourself at the end of your life.” So I want to be a story teller to keep her story to the world.

Are you self taught in film directing and in documentary making ?

Yes, I am self-taught. Also, I went to a scenario school and learned the scripts for my movies. All of my movie scenarios are my own originals.

Did you and your team face any difficulties while shooting your project ?

The interesting thing is, I don’t write the script before filming. Because I believe one of the most important missions for filmmaking is to explore human nature. Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women and the most common cancer overall. My grandmother, aunt, and other relatives were diagnosed with breast cancer too. The experience of living with breast cancer is tough and many people fear these discussions, because they thought it’s a sign of giving up. However, talking about your wishes, your fear, your anxious does not mean you are giving up at all.

Is there a particular art style you would like to engage in or strict storytelling  ?

As a film director, the ultimate goal is to show the story itself is meaningful. And everyone’s life story is a pleasure. If you are healthy, be grateful for it. It means you can have time to make a plan of actions. If you suffer from an illness or from some other bad condition now, also be grateful for it, because you will cherish time more than ever. You have to devote your heart to feel that life has a meaning.

I am now telling stories not only with microphone but also with the camera. Keep self learning in film directing without a team work is a challenge. For me, life is a learning process. You have to keep learning as long as you are alive. After all, you can find the strength from people’s life story and also make you be stronger to face your life issues.

What is the target audience of the project?

This film is not only for the patients but also for those who had got lost in life. Keep the faith in life is the connection between us and the unknown future in terms of our emotional life. “Maybe we are nobody in the world, but we can be somebody to shining other’s life.”


Did you and your team face any difficulties while shooting your project ?

Every film was an experience for me. I am honored to be a storyteller to make people's life story meaningful. And also be proud of being a reporter from Taiwan, where I grew up and also educated me as a filmmaker.  Maybe the world doesn't understand Taiwan very much. But it's meaningful for me to build a cross-cultural communication bridge with my international works.   

What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ? 

I am still fascinated by the stage, in front of the spotlight.  In addition, my original dream was to become a teacher of art. Although that failed because of my poor grades. I know I can teach and learn more without staying in the school.

I think that we all need some perfect words for an imperfect world we live in today. And don't be scared of failure; be scared that you cannot show your talent.

"It's not how much you have; it's what you do with what you have."

Is there a project in the future? And personal wishes.

I have about 20 original scenarios on hand, and my current problem is how to produce them. Financial aspects, production procedures, production scale, etc. must also be considered. I also want to discover new talent.

That was the interview with our beloved creator Peiju Huang. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not order one for yourself to promote your work. To order an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.


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