Interview with Uniqueness Heiress & Azia

Welcome, we are very excited to have you today and discuss about your work. Who is Uniqueness Heiress & Azia and how did the passion for filmmaking start

Well the passion of filmmaking has been engraved in our spirits since Yashiya created us.

We bloom into a field of flora the second we start thinking of creating. We have both always been very creative beings with souls ready to blossom and excited to explore the rivers,valley, peaks. mountains, fields and other various realms of our minds.

Can you tell us about your previous work?

All of our previous work details a beautifully natural growing period. Through life’s trials and tribulations the process of seeking daily, finding truth, discovering who we are, how we need to live in order to experience abundance of His love in this life, it is the most important thing to trust the Most High Yashiya and live out our purpose in this life, living in our before time passions. All our works strive to display our souls Rawach, (set apart spirit), movements.

CONVERSATION ABOUT: Omnipotent Resolution

What would you describe as your directing identity style ?

We would describe our directing style as strictly Spiritual Divinity in motion, we pray first then we let our spirits dance into the grandness He has awaiting us. Communication is key. We want every soul to take an epic journey into feeling, hearing,and seeing who He is in everything we do.

Talk to us about your film? How was it created and what inspired it?

Omnipotent Resolution is a full answer, meaning you have all you will ever need in the Creator He knows you and your needs wants desires therefore He is your Omnipotent Resolution. Yashiya is giving us through  Omnipotent Resolution Film a literal visual glimpse using the conceptual theme reality through dreamscape’s of His power in Creation and How His power is manifested and present in us and around us Yashiya uses us as His Vessel’s to relay His message to the masses that His Majesty lives in us all and if we would humble ourselves and call on Him He will do a new thing in us all.

We, Heiress and Azia (pronounced Asia) are the Almighty Creator Yashiya’s vessels used to deliver His manifold wisdoms on earth, it was inspired by His Loving Grace and Mercy towards us all.

The film was a fun experience we love traveling and seeing the incredible beauty that grows here on this earth plain. Longs days, long nights, a few glitches here and there, it’s always an adventure when creating in one’s passions.

Talk to us about your band,we are very interested in learning about the genre and the identity of it ?

Uniqueness is a band consisting of Azia and Heiress, it is a lifestyle we live in! Uniqueness genre is called, S.K.A.T.E Trance, which Skate is an acronym and means, S. Sound K. Kinetically A. Apprehended T. Through E. Experience, Trance. Skate Trance was given to us by the Most High Yashiya being Faithful to His Promise prophesied through the Patriarch Isaiah in the Book of Memorial 1611 KJV Isaiah 43:19 “Behold I will do a new thing now it will spring forth.” It means Yashiya will not only use instruments of sounds but living things around us that give off sound such as the wind, trees, animals etc. everything has a set apart spiritual frequencies and as we go through life Yashiya will use these sounds of life and place them in our music using our testimonies as avenues to deliver His Psalms 

How was the style, genre and atmosphere selected ?

The style, genre and atmosphere was selected by the ultimate humbling of ourselves before the Creator through fasting and prayer. Also following the Law Statutes and Commandments that the Most High Yashiya ordained all mankind to do. We are made to have total Faith in Yashiya’s plan, trusting He will always do what’s best for His chosen.


What is the target audience of your project ?

The target audience for our projects is all of mankind we are all brothers and sisters, we are all looking to be blessed we all need love, understanding, caring, protection, guidance and so much more therefore it is so important to display the truth clearly and in a beautiful way allowing those that feel kin or not to what we are sharing that they will feel free to change, feel  safe, knowing they are not alone in the journey of discovering who we are meant to be, but cherished. What we like to say is this, believing in Yashiya is a gift, He is the life air we breathe and living water we drink and we all need air and water.

What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ? 

The message the audience should convey leaving the screening of our film is the same power of the Creator of Heaven and earth is in them and in us all Yashiya is the Omnipotent Resolution. Also that it’s time for us to repent of our evil ways and except Yashiya as our Savior seeking to have a personal relationship with Him without religion. To allow then, the souls watching to trade spectacle for a unmatchable spiritual experience. 

Any future projects incoming ? Along with personal aspirations.

Future projects incoming are as such we are currently working on a short film as we speak that Yashiya willing will be done in the next 5 months we are so excited. Also thank you so very much to all of the staff of AIMAFF and the people of Athens and all of Greece. We are so happy, thankful, humbled and blessed to be a part of such an historic event! We love you and never take you for granted! 

That was the interview with our beloved creator Uniqueness Heiress & Azia. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not schedule one for yourself to promote your work. To publish an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.


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