Review for ‘‘Sanctions on the Sky’’ by Mahshid Modares

"Sanctions on the Sky," directed by Mahshid Modares, is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the heart-wrenching lives of Iranian families grappling with the unbearable consequences of U.S. economic embargoes. The film's unique approach weaves together the stories of these families who have tragically lost loved ones in airplane crashes over the past four decades, offering a compelling exploration of how sanctions contribute to such disasters.

The film maintains a delicate balance between storytelling and advocacy, resulting in an emotional and educational experience. The decision to maintain anonymity for most participants is a testament to the filmmaker's dedication to preserving the authenticity of their stories, free from external influences.

The documentary's structure is well thought out, employing a series of intimate interviews and footage of news events to paint a comprehensive picture of the impact of U.S. sanctions on Iran's civil aviation sector. Modares seamlessly integrates the personal stories of individuals who have lost family members in plane crashes, effectively creating a human connection that resonates deeply with the audience. The narration by Farideh Dada, a journalism professor, lends credibility and context to the dire situation faced by Iranians due to the sanctions.

While "Sanctions on the Sky" excels in its narrative and sound design, the cinematography falls short, occasionally missing opportunities to visually immerse the audience in the subjects' lives. The principle of "show don't tell" could have been more effectively implemented to enhance the film's impact.

Despite this minor shortcoming, the documentary's importance cannot be overstated. Capturing the strength and resilience of the Iranian people.

In a world filled with stories vying for attention, "Sanctions on the Sky" stands out as a crucial piece of work. It delves into a subject that demands attention, shedding light on the profound impact of sanctions on the lives of ordinary people. Through its original storytellin and heartfelt narration, the documentary leaves a lasting impression that encourages empathy, understanding, and a call for change.


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