Review for ‘‘Stolen Dough’’ by Stefano Da Frè
"Stolen Dough," directed by the talented Stefano Da Frè and produced by Laura Pellegrini, is a captivating documentary that tells the remarkable true story of Anthony Mongiello, a young Italian American Chef who, at the tender age of 18, invented and patented Stuffed Crust Pizza. This documentary delves into the astonishing events that unfolded after his patent was shamelessly stolen by the corporate giant Pizza Hut, leading to a monumental 1 billion-dollar lawsuit.
One of the standout aspects of "Stolen Dough" is its original subject matter. In a sea of documentaries covering familiar topics, this film shines a light on a lesser-known but immensely intriguing story. Da Frè's direction is exemplary, and the production design is top-notch, effectively immersing the audience in the world of pizza innovation and corporate intrigue. The film's atmosphere is palpable, thanks in part to the brilliant soundtrack choices that enhance every emotional beat of the story.
The documentary also impresses with its entertaining use of flashback sequences, which provide context and depth to Anthony Mongiello's journey. These sequences are skillfully woven into the narrative, keeping the audience engaged throughout. It's evident that the filmmakers poured their passion into this project, resulting in a truly touching portrayal of one man's struggle against a culinary giant.
However, "Stolen Dough" does have its share of drawbacks. The flashback sequences, while engaging, could benefit from more authentic locations to fully transport viewers back in time. Additionally, the documentary is somewhat one-sided, as Pizza Hut declined to make a statement or participate in the film. While this does leave some gaps in the narrative, it doesn't diminish the overall impact of the story being told.
In the end, "Stolen Dough" is a poignant and thought-provoking documentary that serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It's a story of an underdog. Much like a perfectly baked pizza, this film combines various ingredients to deliver a satisfying and heartwarming tale, a documentary that will leave you both hungry and inspired.