Review for ‘‘Expedition Entity’’ by Larry Eissler III

The Expedition Entity team returns with another documentary in Brodhead Manor, this time venturing into the second floor of the dangerous haunted edifice. Directed, written and produced by Larry Eissler III, this piece of investigative paranormal journalism promises to inform and shock in equal parts.

We won’t go into detail on the disturbing encounters the group has with the inhabitants of the Manor so as to preserve the tension and mystery for the viewers, suffice it to say however that rarely do we see so well-documented paranormal interactions, using a variety of clever tools and tricks to infiltrate the spirits’ domain.

Footage of the investigators’ interactions with the spirits and phenomena inhabiting the manor or observed in it are shot in excellent quality, visually & sonically. The editing and score manage to tie the footage together in an engaging, if a bit repetitive way.

A documentary’s art is judged on how well it toes the line between a dry & objective account of the subject, and the drama necessary to maintain tension and interest. Expedition Entity: Brodhead Manor Second Floor manages for the most part to combine the two elements of a successful documentary, leaving us yearning for more adventures from Larry Eissler’s fearless group.


Review for ‘‘THE DARK GIRL’’ Enrico Saller


Review for ‘‘The familiarity of a Stranger’’ by Scott Johnson