Interview with filmmaker Alex Kruz
Welcome Mr Kruz we are very excited to have you today with us to discuss about your work.
First off, Who is Alex Kruz and how did the passion for filmmaking begun ?
Alex Kruz is my SAG/AFTRA guild name, or stage name. You have to choose one that is unique when you join the union, and let’s face it my legal name is the John Smith of the Latin world. My first and last name on my birth certificate is Alex Rojas, but I use my middle initial “K” to distinguish me from the 430 other “Alex Rojas”s who have active arrest warrants. It’s like Georgios Papadopoulos in Greece I think …
My passion for filmmaking started as I got thrown into media projects and TV shows that I was consulting on plus I was in the closet as an artist most of my life. I have close to 30 years of scientific, engineering, and technical experience, and maybe only about 6 consecutive years as an artist through which I’ve had the pleasure of doing theater pieces opposite Bruce Willis at Creative Artists Agency, and taking up the mantle of Zorro after Antonio Banderas for the 100 years of Zorro live events in Los Angeles, plus a lot of fun TV and film roles. This year I made my first feature film where I did absolutely everything on (write, direct, music, sing, edit, act, etc.), as well as being inducted into the Marquis Who’s Who Biographical Registry for 2023.
If I wasn’t doing something artistic or creating new ways to do things with science I would probably just be happy helping children through my foundation and charities.
Talk to us about your film. What inspired it ?
For me success is not a material thing, it is something of the heart. My projects were successful to me if they managed to share the story of a group whose story is not normally heard and it made a difference in the viewer’s understanding and my subject’s life. If you look at my filmography, many of them have some sort of action point outside of the film that makes a difference (Parivara - Goldungha Orphanage for the Blind - scholarships for the children for life, Madina’s Dream - Education Center for the children affected, and so on. This one is no different, the earth is evolving, our species is evolving, time is speeding up, we are seeing things we never thought we’d see today - World Governments admitting UFOs are real phenomena, Government WhistleBlowers coming out regularly with information making us question our model of reality, Gender Identity in Flux, Nobel Prizes for proving Quantum Entanglement and the Collective). In this project I am just sharing that flux through the lens of mine and my partner’s experience. If it helps someone who is going through the same and has unanswered questions, then great! If it fosters understanding of others, of other species, a sharing of perspective, and of an experience that may start to be more common as we evolve - then those to me are true success. What else does the soul take with it from this experience - other than love and understanding.
CONVERSATION ABOUT: Fallen: The Search of A Broken Angel
Does this script have importance to you on a personal level? Is it inspired by true events or contain real people ?
Absolutely. Ever been through an experience you can’t fully understand and are still processing? Well that’s what this is for me. It tells about some of our parallel experiences myself and my partner Ewa had before meeting physically. The dreams, the fortune teller, the missed connections of eating and hanging out at the same locations at different times even though we lived in different states. Ewa literally made that picture you see in the movie 25 years before we met and I oil painted a picture of us in 2050 in 1993. We joke that we are very lucky because what is “sci-fi” to others are actual events to us.
Talk to us about your film? What were the main themes you wanted to explore?
This connection! This crazy, non-logical, quantum entangled connection. Many people say time and space are an illusion, a matrix of artificial order for one being seeing itself from many viewpoints. For us, we had many synchronous events or events we cannot logically explain that point towards the same guidepost (being in different physical locations and sharing the same dreams where we see exactly the same things, shared past life regressions where see the same things, or one of us sees and the other feels it, and the list of phenomena goes on and on.) I wanted to share and explore what that feels like for us through what we have at our disposal, sight, sound, music, color, and emotion. Is it jarring, illogical, not fitting the narrative arc, out of the box? YES! Will some people not understand it or know what is happening? OF COURSE! Will it always fit into a neat little box of technique and formula which are repeatable like science? NO, but that’s why it’s f–king ART! It’s made to explore, to question, to curse fate for making you it’s f—king bitch and not letting you go and not answering your questions! How would us as humans share with ants what its like to be a human? How would a being with higher capacities do the same thing? Would it be frequencies which may not be pleasant, would it be music that follows mathematical patterns but may sound weird. Maybe. It's a bit to unpack : )
What would you describe as your directing identity style ?
I choose to be like no one else. It’s easy to imitate. It’s cheap. Using a formula that worked for someone else to get to an emotional place or feeling. Stealing some convention or story device. It’s much harder to innovate than to imitate. A phrase I like is there are many ways to skin a cat, what is wrong with exploring the 999 other ways of doing that someone else hasn’t used before? Nothing! Nothing at all. It’s not safe, but hey neither is life! I had to learn how to do everything by myself on a film by doing. Can I follow the rules and do everything nice and neat? Yes, but then it wouldn’t make sense to me, it wouldn’t be how I experience it. It would not be me sharing my truth with you! Let me fall on my face, call me “amateur”, “ridiculous”, “retarded” - I don’t care! At least I’m true to myself!
Filmmaking with an inexperienced crew and disabilities, how did the overall production went and were there any difficulties in completing this project?
All of the difficulties in completing this project came from the “Normal” people. I won’t call them out as I like to think I have some class. Alex Lora Cercos who is an amazing person, and whom I am lucky to call my friend and collaborator on some projects, has ONE arm and he runs laps around other “Normal” directors, editors, and producers. He was my godfather on this project, he told me what camera and sound equipment to get and off I went. Myself? I think outside of being a person of color in America, which you’re already at a disadvantage, I hide my “disabilities” well. I have had medical diagnosis for a chemical imbalance in my brain being bipolar, a neurological disorder being autistic, and a hefty dose of TBI traumatic brain injury. Each of these presents their challenges, and I’m not going to lie, it can be hard at times, being misunderstood, being laughed at, but in challenge there is opportunity. Luckily Ewa is a trained special education teacher and we utilized our connection and telepathy to act as one on this project so it was the smoothest media project I’ve ever done.
What is the target audience of your project ?
Oh Darlin, In a sky full of people only some want to fly, isn't that crazy? Seal wrote that song in 1990 inspired by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Tiananmen Square massacre, he said “I felt the cycle had reached it’s apex. I felt the world changing and I felt profound things happening.” Yeah, it’s for those people : )
What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ?
Probably the same message I used to give my dates once upon a time. I may not be your cup of tea, but I am a combination of very specific life situations that have acted as a filter for this work - keep an open mind and a humble heart and maybe we can have some fun together? Also it’s impossible to judge and love at the same time !
Any future projects incoming ? Along with personal aspirations.
I envisioned this feature as a trilogy, incorporating yin, yang, and the tao. The first part was the yang, or the male, the search, the second part which I am almost done writing is the Yin. “Fallen: The Spiritual Mirror” - it goes into the beauty of the divine feminine, it’s receptivity, it’s ability to clean and heal the masculine, as well as the collective. Where for the male the search is suffering, for the female the processing is the cleansing fire of suffering. It covers a wealth of the situations we encountered when myself and my partner got together, where each of us was the key to the Pandora’s box, full of troubles, spiritual shifts, and most importantly the mirror of our souls and frequency. This is just one dimension for us as multi-dimensional beings. This leads to a lot of misunderstanding and what people consider inexplicable or paranormal situations. I am here physically, my partner is here physically but in another dimension we are one being and that being can belong to another race and has a specific mission. We as a race are very young and we have been kept separate from our galactic families. Baby steps : )
That was the interview with our beloved creator Alex Kruz. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not schedule one for yourself to promote your work. To publish an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.