Interview with independent filmmaker Mary C. Ferrara
Welcome Ms Ferrara, we are very excited to have you today and discuss about your work. Who is Mary Ferrara and how did his passion for filmmaking start?
I am just a girl with a day job who also likes to be in the Arts. I started acting over 20 years ago. I've done improv, sketch comedy, theatre and film...and in 2018 I embarked on filmmaking after producing a film that needed a producer and then realizing I wanted to write too. I definitely had things I wanted to use from my life; I find that so freeing. So now I'm not sure which I like more, behind or in front of the camera.
Can you tell us about your previous work?
As far as my previous work in filmmaking, I helped produce the short film "Candlestick Justice," which was part of a film challenge in New York. It was a nice little film with a mostly female cast. Then I got inspired to write my short film "Schmoopie" from the requirements of a Boston area (where I'm based) film festival that I wanted to be involved with. They wanted the film to start with the line "I'll take whatever you've got" so I went from there and wrote something personal, based on a breakup and my love of animals. Both films have done very well on the festival circuit.
When will ''Wallie's Gals'' be released ?
At the latest the Fall of 2023! Filming is finished so it's in post production right now.
Talk to us about your film? How was it created ?
"Wallie's Gals" started with me posting on social media about wanting to do more comedy and then other women chimed in saying they loved doing comedy and wanted to do more too. So I said "I'll write us a script." It evolved from a simple SNL-sketch-like short about the restaurant reunion of some Gals who used to work together (back in the 80s) at a discount clothing store to a full comedy feature/pilot. I just kept getting more curious about the characters and wanted to write more. I also took a lot of feedback on the script and that helped keep it to be more focussed on the main characters. I also think writing it just brought back all that I missed in classic 80s movies/TV shows, going from really out there comedy to seriously heartwarming moments. And memorable characters. I just don't see enough of that these days. Also it features women over 50 in fun roles that are not typical roles for that age group. Older ladies can be seriously fun to watch; believe me I know because the pandemic got more bearable from editing them throughout it
Is the script based on actual events?
Not actual but there are things in my life that inspired certain elements. The character of Young Lorraine takes a bit from me. I was a bit clumsy as a teenager, and used to trip a lot. And back in the late 80s/early 90s I also worked at a small business run by someone whose father ran it previously (like the character of Wallie's father previously ran "Wallie's Big Deals," which is the name of the store featured in the film). And believe me there were some interesting things that ensued from that too.
Were there any difficulties you and your crew faced during the shooting ?
Yes, there were. But the difficulties made me more resourceful and creative....and I think the difficulties, in the end, helped give the film a much stronger story.
What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ?
To just believe. If you think something isn't possible, think again.
What is the target audience of your project ?
I think anyone who is nostalgic and loves 80s films will enjoy it. But to be honest, probably anyone who is seriously craving more comedy right now.
Any future projects incoming ? Along with personal aspirations.
I would like to produce my short film "Red Shirt," a comedy short. The script for that has done very well on the circuit. I would like to play the lead but will hold a casting call for the other characters, maybe later in 2023. I have a dramatic feature I wrote too, so that's also on the horizon. Ultimately I would love to be a part of a comedy writing team, like for a TV show. Fingers crossed :-)
Learn more about the film here:
That was the interview with our beloved creator Mary C. Ferrara. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not schedule one for yourself to promote your work. To publish an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.