Interview with experimental director Matias Burgos
Welcome Mr Burgos, we are very excited to have you today and discuss about your work. Who is Matias Burgos and how did the passion for filmmaking start ?
I am a 21 year old art lover. I have studied arts and since I can remember I always carry a pencil and paper with me to draw. I always spend more time drawing than going out and socialising. Early in my childhood I decided I wanted to be an actor but as I became more and more introverted this dream changed to wanting to be a director, until I got to high school when I switched back to Painting and traditional arts. Now I am interested in mixing film with painting and animation, many of my drawings or films show in a way my love for surrealism and unconventional storytelling.
Can you tell us about your previous work ?
Before ''Nowhere'' I made an animated short film called “Flaurus the metalhead cat”, which is also available on youtube. It´s done with traditional hand drawn on acetate animation.
That Project was done as an homage to a family member of mine that sadly passed away and it worked for me as a kind of therapy.
''Nowhere'' is a deeply experimental film. How would you simply describe your film to someone that is about to view it ?
It´s a weird journey into pure nonsense that demands some imagination to try to understand it.
Your film contains strong imagery and sophisticated sound choices. How was the atmosphere selected ?
I love horror movies but I didn´t wanted to make it strictly a horror film so I picked those parts of the story in which a more shocking or grafic visuals fitted better. The sound was done after the scenes were all filmed and I tried to create a more flowing and surrealism tone as if you were listening to he main character thoughts through a liquid.
Can you tell us about the hidden symbolism in your film?
I picked a lot of imagery from Tarot cards that had previously inspired me, for example the main character starts the film as fetus walking at the top a mountain like the fool card does, there’s olso the image of the devil, the hierophant and the hermitage through the film.
Was there any difficulty during the shooting of your work ?
Being the first film that I shoot in real image I was new to the whole process. Thankfully I received a lot of help in many aspects from Carlos Padrón who also stars in the film. He, being an actor with knowledge in production and directing essentially became a second unit director of sorts in some scenes.
Would you display your film as a modern art installation ?
I havent thought of it but I guess due to the weirdness of the film it lends itself to be displayed as an art installation if complimented perhaps with some props used during the process.
What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ?
I do not wish to state any message or opinion in concrete but there´s the concept of a constant circle that repeats itself and the search for identity spread tgrough the film. though I actually prefer if you leave the movie asking more things than having answers.
Any future projects incoming ? Along with personal aspirations.
At the moment I do not have any fully developed projects in mind but there are very loose ideas that I’d like to convey in a black and White format.As for aspirations I hope I could grow as an artist and create and share ideas with more people.
That was the interview with our beloved creator Matias Burgos. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not schedule one for yourself to promote your work. To publish an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.