Interview with director Ryo Kagawa

Welcome Mr Kagawa, we are very excited to have you today and discuss about your work. So who is Ryo Kagawa ?

I suffered from schizophrenia when I was young I was the only one who had achieved remission, It was a question I had to ask myself, and then I realized. I began to think that I had been given a mission, that my role was to encourage my fellow man, to be a beacon of hope, that was the meaning of my birth. And then I became a movie director and script writer.

Can you tell us about your previous work?

My maiden work is MICHIKO (A3) and Movie Michiko Making And Interview (a documentary of MICHIKO A3 main story, actor interviews and making video). And I made five short documentaries.


Talk to us about your films ? How were they created ? Any inspirations ?

As for my films, my films are based entirely on my identity and my experiences. Immediately after graduating from university, I was admitted to a mental hospital with schizophrenia. Based on that experience, I am making films about the socially vulnerable and the disabled. For example, PARADISE FOR THE HEART considers the construction of a universal design society in Japan from a conversation with an ADHD actor friend. I also create works that encourage the socially vulnerable. When I make a film, I have more power than I have in filmmaking. In a way it is divine.

Are you self taught in film directing ?

Yes, I am self-taught. Also, I went to a scenario school and learned the scripts for my movies. All of my movie scenarios are my own originals.

How would you describe your art style ?

If I translate my art style into a filmmaking style, I make films in such a way that the audience can imagine the issues of social justice and the socially vulnerable. Also, my art style considers art to be a form that accompanies practice in society. For example, my picture that appears at the end of MICHIKO is a picture of supporting low caste children in India. This is my art style, and I am proud that it is a form of art work that accompanies practice.

Did you and your team face any difficulties while shooting your project ?

There will always be funding issues. The challenge is to overcome the difficulty


What is the message the audience should convey leaving the screening of your film ?

I want you to realize the meaning of life, the reason why you were born, your mission, etc. by watching movies. And I want you to practice that mission and make it useful for society.

I overcame schizophrenia and miraculously recovered, but I didn't do it by myself. It has the support and goodwill of many people involved. When I thought about what I would do in the future while feeling that during the recovery process, I chose the path of film art production without hesitation. This is my vocation, and I believe that God gave me this ordeal so that I could pursue a career as a film director. Filmmaking must pursue both the pursuit of artistry and the enjoyment of entertainment. A masterpiece is a work that strikes a balance between aesthetic sense, entertainment, philosophy, and artistry. Many troubles will come along the way. Our crew overcomes them one by one to reach completion. There I find incomparable joy. We are also thinking of turning an unknown actor into an international actor. I am aware that this is the only way to repay the kindness of those who have been kind to me.

What is the target audience of the project?

The target audience of the project is the socially vulnerable, their supporters, or those with the will to do so. The purpose of my work is to maintain the motivation of aspirations, to uplift the feelings of socially disadvantaged people and to maintain their ambitions.

Is there a project in the future? And personal wishes.

I have about 20 original scenarios on hand, and my current problem is how to produce them. Financial aspects, production procedures, production scale, etc. must also be considered. I also want to discover new talent.

That was the interview with our beloved creator Ryo Kagawa. Our community is rising everyday, new talented filmakers and screenwriters get onboard. Be sure to check the rest of our interviews and why not order one for yourself to promote your work. To order an interview simply submit on the INTERVIEW OF YOUR FILM category on our Filmfreeway page.


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