Review for NO PROMISES

Director Jataun Gilbert and producer Robert Deon showcase their last work known as ''NO PROMISES'', a medium length romantic comedy. Although it may not be the most original story it is presented in such a feel-good entertaining way that really accomplishes it's goal. It is true that in today's market there is a lack of romantic comedies so ''NO PROMISES'' turned into a lot of promises. The dialogues feel fluid and organic but where we are taken back is the mechanic relation of the main characters with the secondary ones. We are witnessing some very creative and playful shots and angles. Missing the motto of ''show don't tell'' in some cases. Editing feels right with a minor pacing issue as some filler scenes are included. The actors deliver some great performances and their characters feel the opposite of flat. The technical department and production design leaves nothing to be desired as it does justice to the overall aesthetic and tone of the film. A big step forward from their last work and as they are increasingly, gradually and continuously improving their craftsmanship. 


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